6 Ways To Prevent Keseleo, Needs To Be Implemented For Those Of You Who Often Walk Far Away
Illustration of how to prevent a sprain (Freepik/drobotdean)


YOGYAKARTA During daily activity, sprains on the ankle can occur such as when climbing or descending stairs. It is important to know, the recovery time of this sprained leg is quite long. It takes at least 4-8 weeks and tissue recovery and a nervous deficit for 1 year after injury. Research shows that more than 70 percent of people with ankle sprains are reported to have problems after 18 months of injury.

Keseleo can be anticipated by training strength and balance. But when experiencing it, it requires medical attention for physical therapy so that network healing, restoring joint biomechanicals, strength, and balance again. To prevent a sprain, you can go through the following five ways.

One way to avoid an ankle sprain is to increase balance. To do so, you have to understand how the balance in your body works. Quoting Athletico Physical Therapy, Tuesday, May 30, there are 45 miles of neural networks that help balance work. The nerves on your feet and ankles help you feel the surface where you walk, run, and jump.

Supporters of balance other than nerves, are a vestibular system located within the ears and related to movement, spinning, falling, and other body changes. The balance system is in good condition if all three balance systems can work and work together. How to train balance, for example by standing one leg when brushing your teeth or doing light exercise the upper body. In addition, you can train the muscles around your ankle, legs, and hips.

The strength and function of the hips and body trunks play an important role when moving. When running lightly and suddenly changing direction, less powerful body cores will most likely lose control of the hips and fall. This is why it is important to practice to strengthen your hips, stomach, and back.

Building an ankle strength is a good prevention technique. This can be done with one-leg strengthening exercises such as squat, lunges, dips, and rubber bend strengthening exercises. A stronger basis will make it easier for you to stay up and control the change in position of the body.

A balance between strength and flexibility is important. Simple stretching for 30-60 seconds after light warming can help relieve discomfort and increase adequate lower leg mobility. Ligament or joint hypermobility is a symptom of ankle spraining, so stretching must be done carefully and comfortably.

Either before climbing a mountain or jogging, you need to prepare your body first. The reason is, it's not a good idea to climb several kilometers suddenly without preparing your body. This is because muscle memory is a factor that causes ankle sprains. That is, exercise or exercise is important to do to prevent injury.

Overall, ankles must always adapt when they reach the ground whose texture varies. Because ankle sprains can occur in people of all ages, it is important to do prevention by training muscle memory, nerves, balance, and strength.

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