
JAKARTA - A Spanish YouTuber named Jota, whose real name is not yet known, has reportedly sued Google Spain for an illegal dismissal case after the channel was blocked.

In Reuters' report,Jota as a content creator of political satirical wants to show a clear working relationship between himself and YouTube. He also considers himself a worker on YouTube.

According to Jota, the relationship between the two is established because he regularly provides services and YouTube repays his services by providing income from advertising. Therefore, blocking accounts is a bad act.

We consider this a termination of employment, said Bernando Garcia, a lawyer from Jota. However, this view was considered wrong and Google Spain tried to straighten it out.

Google says that content creators are not employees, including Jota's current position. Jota's YouTube channel, ESPECIALLY Basti fire which means Last Fort, was blocked for not complying with monetization policies.

"We are very committed to the success of content creators, which is why we share most of their income with them. However, contrary to what is claimed, they are not YouTube employees according to their relationship nature," said Google Spain.

For information, Jota is a satirical content creator related to left-wing politics that uses information from official channels such as parliament and city halls. This content creator is actively voicing his views.

The trial of Jota's lawsuit accompanied by the Spanish Public Workers Union (UGT) will be held on June 26 next year. This trial will be held in Madrid.

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