
JAKARTA - The insult to Pancasila by dangdut singer Surkianih, whose stage name is Zaskia Gotik, shocked the whole of the archipelago. The singer, who is known for his joking Goyang Itik, said that the fifth symbol of Pancasila's sila was a nungging duck.

Many agree that he will be punished with applicable regulations. However, the National Awakening Party (PKB) has another view. Instead of choosing a legal route, Zaskia was actually made the Pancasila Ambassador. This desire is based so that the whole of Indonesia learns and understands Pancasila again.

Pancasila was not born by itself. The precepts that later became the basis of Indonesia's state were the fruit of Soekarno's long reflection. The man who is familiarly called Bung Karno has tasted the bitter sweetness of living in the Dutch colonial era, then Japan.

Laku hidup as part of the colonized nation inspired him to write Pancasila pills. The Pancasila formulation continues to remain in his mind. The fruit of his reflection was only carried out to the public at the Chuo Sangi Building, Pejambon, Jakarta on June 1, 1945.

He described one by one what he meant in the trial of the Investigative Body for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). First, the nationality of Indonesia. second, internationalism or humanity. Third, consensus or democracy. Fourth, social welfare. Fifth, piety.

His speech was greeted with great fanfare. Those who attended were amazed by the five Pancasila items spoken by Bung Karno. However, the Pancasila narrative as the basis of the state is not yet final. A number of national figures agreed that Pancasila would be reformulated.

They formed a special committee. Committee Nine, his name. The small committee containing nine people was represented from religious groups to different ideologies. Several items of Pancasila are trying to be developed and rearranged.

As a result, the final formulation of Pancasila was born. The One Godhead became the main foundation of Pancasila that brought other precepts to life. The new Pancasila formulation was officially ratified the day after the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, or on August 18, 1945.

According to Soekarno's fifth speech, the order was: Indonesian nationality, internationalism or humanity, democracy, social justice, and One Godhead. The Committee of Nine changed its composition. The precept of Belief in One God is the first as a precept that unites all of them.

The second principle was changed to a just and civilized humanitarian principle. The third precept is called the principle of Indonesian unity to emphasize to the Japanese people that Indonesia wants to unite, not to be divided, the fourth precept is the precepts of the people led by wisdom and wisdom in the deliberation of representatives. The fifth precept is the principle of social justice," explained Bung Hatta in the book Mohammad Hatta: Memoir (1979).

The presence of Pancasila is the basis for the state to be agreed by all Indonesian people. Even the position of Pancasila is sacred throughout the archipelago. Anyone who abuses or interprets Pancasila as soon as possible will be flooded with criticism.

The criticism does not even apply to the common level. Because, when the second Indonesian President, Suharto tried to abuse Pancasila for his political interests, he was severely criticized by all national figures who joined the Petition 50 in the 1980s. From Ali Sadikin to AH Nasution.

Criticism is also directed at those who make Pancasila a joke (lawakan). The case of singer Dangdut, Zaskia Gotik, for example. Zaskia made a joke regarding the mention of the date of Indonesian Independence on August 32 and the fifth symbol of sila is duckungging.

He made this statement in a quiz at a national television station on March 15, 2016. Instead of being greeted with laughter, Zaskia actually received criticism from various parties. Moreover, the broadcast was witnessed by all Indonesian people.

Many reported Zaskia to the authorities. However, there are also those who do not agree with the problem that it must be handled through the realm of law. PKB, for example. The party bearing the world sphere symbol has other views.

Zaskia's problem cannot be resolved by law, but in more persuasive ways. The chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction at the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Abdul Kadir Karding, revealed that the Indonesian people would forgive Zaskia.

According to him, the problem experienced by Zaskia implies the fact that many Indonesians do not understand Pancasila. "The PKB faction then appointed Zaskia as the Pancasila Ambassador. So that Zaskia wants to learn about Pancasila," he thought.

This desire is because Zaskia is widely known in the Indonesian entertainment world. Karding hopes that the socialization of the values and meanings of Pancasila can run more massively, than if it is socialized by state officials themselves. All people also consider that the reason is not enough so that criticism is then directed to PKB.

"The appointment of Zaskia as an ambassador is intended so that he wants to learn, change and improve himself. It is also hoped that Zaskia will participate in socializing Pancasila. Because the socialization carried out by the artists will be more publicized by the media than politicians", said Karding as quoted on the MPR website, April 9, 2016.

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