
JAKARTA Memori hari ini, lima tahun yang lalu, 9 Agustus 2018, Prabowo Subianto memilih Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno sebagai pendampingnya Cawapres-- dalam Pilpres mendatang. Penetapan Sandi dianggapnya sebagai bentuk perwakilan elit politik baru dari kalangan pengusaha dan profesional.

Previously, Sandi was widely known as an entrepreneur and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. His work as a state official is increasingly being raised with the idea of his unique program name. From Ok Otrip to Oke Oce.

Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno was able to become a champion in the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. The success of donating the incumbent Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok)-Djarot Saiful Hidayat has received the attention of the whole of Indonesia. Especially about the dispute over ideas.

Jakarta residents believe Anies-Sandi's idea can make Jakarta a better direction. The victory made his breakthrough awaited. From the matter of unraveling congestion to creating new jobs.

Sandi also appeared as a figure who made many ideas. Sandi also entrusted the matter of unraveling congestion through a program called Ok Otrip. A program initiated so that Jakarta residents can enjoy the existing transportation healing and is integrated at affordable prices.

Another program that Jakarta residents have been waiting for is Oke Oce. This program is Sandi's flagship. Because, every day the Ok Oce program is often proud. Oke Oce focuses on the desire of the DKI Jakarta Government to open up jobs as wide as possible and give birth to many entrepreneurs.

Financing, training, and assistance are then prepared by the government. Oke Oce was then predicted to be an important element for Jakarta's growth and development in the future.

In the field of employment, Sandi confidently repeats Oke Oce in his debate narrative by referring to the implementation of this program in DKI Jakarta. It continues to be repeated several times in several segments. Another thing that is often repeated, namely economic eruptions, worker readiness, opening up job opportunities and positions of foreign workers in Indonesia.

"As in every place during the campaign, Sandi also conveyed the issue of MSMEs as an expansion. In the socio-cultural field, Sandi sees the need for partnerships with non-governmental organizations, human and cultural development, in addition to infrastructure and budgets," explained Gun Gun Heryanto in the book Reality of Political Communication. Indonesia Contemporary (2020).

The ideas with the unique name were then carried out by the DKI Jakarta Government. However, Sandi could not watch the program until it was successful. The test perpetuated political maneuvers to become a cause.

Instead of waiting for the program to develop, Sandiaga chose to focus on higher political contestation. All of this was because Prabowo Subianto and his supporting party agreed that Sandi would be used as a vice presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election.

The determination was perpetuated at Prabowo's residence on Kertanegara Street on August 9, 2018. Sandi then resigned a few days later and handed over all the programs he initiated to Anies Baswedan.

"Recently, the leaders of three political parties, namely PKS, PAN, and the Gerindra Party, have decided and trusted Sandiaga Uno and me to run as presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2019-2024 term of service," Prabowo Subianto was quoted as saying on the BBC website, August 9, 2018.

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