JAKARTA – Today's history, 61 years ago, February 20, 1962, the State Enterprise (now: BUMN), Angkasa Pura was founded by the Old Order government. There is a big contribution behind President Soekarno. He wants airports in Indonesia to be on par with airports in developed countries.
This desire made Bung Karno pressure his subordinates to issue updates at airports in Indonesia. Previously, Soekarno was known to be skilled in observing developed countries. He was able to absorb the progress of each country.
Soekarno's expertise in maintaining relations between countries was second to none. He was able to make himself a representative of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. In fact, he is known to be close to many world leaders. From the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro to an influential figure in the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev.
The relationship that Bung Karno built became warmer when he often made state visits abroad. Bung Karno tried to open all kinds of cooperation. The spell was successful. Even many of the world leaders who returned Soekarno's visit.
In particular, Bung Karno often took the momentum abroad seriously. Instead of just cooperating, Soekarno also observed many things. It's like he took the authority of an ambassador.

Bung Karno was able to absorb the progress of a country on every political trip abroad. Moreover regarding infrastructure progress. The sciences were then tried to be adopted in Indonesia. Primarily, in big cities.
“Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated to me that one visit by Sukarno is equivalent to ten years of ambassadorial work. And that is the reason why I travel and why I always give facts about my homeland in every speech that I make in every corner of the world.”
"I want to teach foreigners and give a first glimpse of my country, which is spread out green and beloved like an emerald strand coiled along the equator," said Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia ( 2007).
These visits then made Soekarno witness the splendor of airports in the world. From Airports in the Soviet Union to the United States. This admiration inspired Soekarno so that Indonesia could present a magnificent and luxurious international airport with the best management.
The idea was immediately conveyed to his subordinates, the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Public Works. Tit for tat. Soekarno's idea was then processed by the Old Order government by forming the State Company Angkasa Pura Kemayoran (now: Angkasa Pura I) on February 20, 1962. Even so, Angkara Pura as a new State Company was inaugurated on November 15, 1962.
"Angkasa Pura I (Persero), also known as Angkasa Pura Airports, has been a pioneer in the commercial operation of airports in Indonesia since 1962. When the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, just returned from the United States, he emphasized his wish to the Minister of Transportation and Minister of Public Works that the airport be Indonesia can be on par with airports in developed countries.”
"On November 15, 1962, Government Regulation (PP) Number 33 of 1962 was officially issued concerning the Establishment of the State Enterprise (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran. His main task was to manage and operate Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta, which at that time besides serving domestic flights, was the only international airport that served flights to and from abroad," explained Paul Sutaryono in the book Kebangkitan BUMN Sektor Pembangunan (2019).
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