
JAKARTA – Today's History, 114 years ago, April 13, 1908, the tourism agency belonging to the Dutch East Indies government Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV) was officially established. The inauguration ceremony was also held at the Hotel Des Indes, Batavia.

The presence of this agency is proof that the colonial government was not only exploiting agricultural products, but also exploiting tourism potential for profit. Moreover, VTV itself is considered the initial milestone for global tourism belonging to the archipelago.

The beauty of the archipelago is like a magnet that can bring tourists. The narrative has been told by word of mouth by travelers who have been to the Dutch East Indies. However, Indonesian tourism until the early 1900s had not been managed seriously. Access to information for conducting visits is few and limited. Even if there were, of course, only the rich and the very rich would be able to access it.

Hotel Des Indes, one of the best hotels in Batavia during the Dutch East Indies era. (Wikimedia Commons)

The Dutch colonial government also saw the problem as quite complicated. They also tried to make a breakthrough. The idea of developing tourism was chosen as a teaching. This action was taken so that travelers from abroad would take a vacation to the Dutch East Indies.

The government also launched a tourism agency. It was called VTV. VTV was founded on April 13, 1908. Its establishment became a new milestone. The inauguration was also carried out at one of the best hotels owned by the Dutch East Indies, Hotel Des Indes, Batavia. The agency then has an active role in promoting tourism.

They promote Nusantara tourism both domestically and abroad. Mainly, in the Netherlands. They want people from their hometown to come and enjoy the beauty of the archipelago. Therefore, tourism became the new Dutch income sector in addition to the mining and plantation sectors.

“Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV) was officially established based on the Gouvernement Besluit dated April 13, 1908 No. 13 in Weltevreden, Batavia. The inauguration ceremony was held at the Hotel Des Indes, which is not far from the office of the Governor General Van Heutsz. As secretary, JM Plante Febure de Villeneuve was appointed who was the editor of the De Locomotief newspaper.”

Foreign tourists staying at Hotel Des Indes, Batavia. (Wikimedia Commons)

“The ideas coming from the community related to tourism activities in the Indies are realized through the VTV organization. Elements of the government, especially the central government and the private sector, can be seen clearly in the VTV organization formed by the Dutch East Indies government to regulate tourism activities. The VTV organization is an important organization in tourism activities because it deals with various parties both at home and abroad who support tourism activities in the Indies," said Achmad Sunjayadi in the book Tourism in the Dutch East Indies 1891-1942 (2019).

It may be the lucrative coffers of income from the tourism sector that make VTV exist. However, VTV has another purpose in disguise. They want travelers from abroad not only to see and enjoy the beauty of the archipelago.

VTV also hopes that travelers can bring news to their country that the Netherlands really cares about the welfare and interests of all the citizens of the Dutch East Indies. Even though the Dutch themselves discriminated against and neglected the Bumiputras.

A series of tourism promotions are carried out to the maximum. Archipelago tourism can also be lifted because of it. Because, VTV uses all kinds of mediums to attract travelers. Among others, through postcards, brochures, to travel guide books.

Hotel Des Indes, Batavia in 1901. (Wikimedia Commons)

“The use of postcards, tourism guidebooks, and brochures as tourism promotion materials was the beginning of a popular perspective at that time. The tourist guidebooks are mostly published by the agency in charge of tourism promotion in the Dutch East Indies, Vereeniging Toeristenverkeer (VTV).”

“This tourism agency was founded on April 13, 1908 in Batavia with a besluit signed by the Governor General Van Heutsz. From then on, the Dutch East Indies government regulated (or monopolized) where the tourists had to visit and what objects they had to see. Therefore, they need quality photos to support the tourism guidebooks, brochures and postcards they publish,” concluded Achmad Sunjayadi again in the Discourse Journal entitled Perpetuating Aesthetics (2008), regarding VTV which is part of today's history. April 1908 in Indonesia.

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