JAKARTA - Raline Shah finally opened her voice after being accused of being pro-Israel. This news emerged after netizens saw the response of the artist who chose to be neutral about Israel's war with Palestine.
Netizens are getting more and more disappointed after Raline Shah wrote, 'Do you think a woman can help with an Instagram post?'
This made Raline Shah accused Israel of siding with this conflict. Through his latest upload, Raline explained that he believes that a post and millions of followers on Instagram do not always have a major impact.
"Honestly, I said 'a girl like me' was really one post and 10 million followers didn't have a big impact on one post," wrote Raline Shah.
He explained that the public must be realistic that posts alone are not enough to voice support. But there are also more concrete prayers and actions to take.
"We have to be realistic.. that can help not only post friends but other concrete support and prayers to Allah who is very sincere," he continued.
Raline Shah emphasized that his family has supported Palestine not since this case. According to him, not all should be exhibited to the public, especially when prioritizing humanity and referred to as a zionist.
"God knows that I and my family have supported Palestine since I was born, not from this incident. But whether everything should be shown showing off and explained. Supporting Palestine is called justification and prioritizing humanity and peace is called a Zionist," Raline explained.
"Hopefully those who slander me will be given peace. It's better for us to pray and donate for freedom, the peace of Palestine than to sin and slander the zionists...," said Raline.
Ending the post, Raline tries to store her energy rather than using her time to attack and create slander against others.
"It is true that one post will not change the situation but thousands of posts with human voices will change the situation. If you want it to be misinterpreted and really like cyber bully and others. Please. dear energy to pray and help concretely is used to slander and hate unknown people. Wassalam," concluded Raline.
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