
YOGYAKARTA Since the end of last year, Gisella Anastasia has shared running activities as one of the sports she is in. Apart from running, Mama Gempi also performs pilates, gyms, rollerblading, and yoga aerials. In the latest uploads on social media, Instagram, Gisell shared photos of running 12k. Take a peek at the following portrait of Gisella that made netizens misfocused.

In one of his uploads, Gisell admits that he is crazy about sports. That's why there are many social media uploads when he's exercising. His last upload, Gisell said that more and more people like running.

Through the social media information column with the verified account name, @gisel_la, he told me that he never thought he could enjoy running. Moreover, running 12k or 12 kilometers on Sunday morning.

"Even though I'm not a speeding runner, I can enjoy this sport in quite a bit of time and distance, that's an extraordinary achievement...," wrote Gisell.

Tells about his achievements, he remembers the times he used to. At first he thought he couldn't and didn't like it because this sport sold himself too hard. He added, not to mention the pain and shortness of breath.

But over time, Gisell admitted that this assumption was due to lack of knowledge. So that the lack of preparation and wrong techniques in running make this sport painful and unpleasant.

Currently, Gisell knows how and technique so that he loves sports even more. He admits that, because he learned a lot to survive, fight laziness, and mindsets that he didn't really get from running. This sport that demands resilience also makes him diligently get up early and sleep early.

Even during the holiday moment, Gisell took the time to do running. Before moving to Paris, he was accompanied by Gempi running in the park.

With a caption that read 'A friend of mind' Gisella Anastasia seemed to run with her daughter, Gempita. With the background of the lake and birds and goose, the two of them threw cheerful laughter. Netizens commented on Gisell's latest portrait, he wrote, 'It's okay to run is happy now, Sis, as long as you don't run from reality. Always happy mama isel."

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