YOGYAKARTA Ornamentalizing a table with small pot plants, can build a fresh atmosphere in the room. Although all small plants initially grew up before growing up. But below are small plants that will always remain tiny and chosen as ornamental plants in your home.
Begonia rex is small in size with a prominent color which is often said to have abstract-painted leaves. For those of you who like ornamental plants, begonia may be a bit complicated for its treatment. This tiny ornamental plant requires enough water and is not excessive and gets enough light.
This type of orchid is suitable for decorating small rooms, for example on the side table of the bed or even in the bathroom. Orchids are very beautiful and the flower blooms can last months. The treatment tends to be easier, it is enough to splash and make sure it provides a little liquid fertilizer that is diluted every week.
You certainly know this plant because it has been very popular in the last decade. Anthurium or red-flowered flaming flowers and shiny leaves. It is about 12-18 inches high with very low care needs.
This plant likes bright but indirect light. So it is most appropriate to place it near the window and needs soil with good drainage so that the roots don't rot easily.
Peperomia is sometimes referred to as a baby rubber plant. This petite ornamental plant has many varieties. You can choose one of them, because almost all varieties of care are very easy.
Other tiny plants that can be placed indoors are African green flowers. The leaves are light purple to old and the flowers are still the same color feel. This plant grows easily in most types of soil. But the man's plant doesn't like it if the leaves are wet. So splash on the planting medium directly so it doesn't spray the leaves.
Most people know aloe vera as a plant that can relieve burns, small wounds, and scratches. Launching Backyard Garden Lover, Tuesday, August 22, tongue costs low-principles and looks good to decorate any room. You can put it in a small pot and don't need to be watered too often. They grow up well in windows but can also tolerate dim light quite well.
In addition to being popular with the name jade, this jade plant is also beautiful when placed in a small pot. The leaves are small and round, montok and funny, and will look good in all types of pots. They like bright areas and the soil must be allowed to dry every time it waters. That is, make sure the pot has a lower hole so that excess water can come out and not make the roots rot.
Pilea peperomiodes is known as Chinese money plants, or rain droplets. This easy-to-growing plant, small green leaves and looks beautiful when decorating the table in your room. The treatment is quite easy and will produce branches that you can share with friends or multiply and then put them in smaller pots.
The eight tiny plants that are suitable to decorate the table in the above room, you can choose according to your taste. It can also be adjusted to the ability to care for. If you don't have time to care for plants, you can choose the most easy ornamental plants to care for.
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