
YOGYAKARTA Many culinary menus processed by catfish can be made by parents so that adults and children want to eat fish. The menu is not only delicious, but contains nutrients that are useful for children's growth and development.

Fish menus can also be made in various ways, so that there are more menu variations and mothers can adjust to their conditions and abilities.

Patin fish can be processed into soup to pepes. Here are some Easy-to-buy patin processed menus.

This menu resembles a soup but the sauce is yellow due to the spice effect. The following is a recipe for the yellow kuah fish menu.

How to cook yellow kuah patin fish is as follows.

First, smooth seasoning tumis until fragrant

Second, add enough water and let stand until it boils

Third, enter pieces of patin fish that have previously been smeared with lime. Add greeting leaves, orange leaves, lemongrass stems, ginger, white rice, cayenne pepper, leeks, and celery leaves. Add already cut tomatoes and fried shallots. Stir it evenly and lift it when it is ripe.

How to cook spicy sour petin fish is as follows.

Eliminate the amic aroma in patin fish, the trick is to fill it with lime juice. Let stand and rinse until it's clean. After that, the stir of spices that have been inflated until fragrant, after that add water. After the seasoning and the water boils, add patin fish, stir it evenly. Enter the wuhuhabing and slice the tomatoes, then stir them up. The fish number after cooking.

That's information related to the processed catfish menu. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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