
YOGYAKARTA - Pregnancy noise is becoming a health topic that has gone viral on social media. On the TikTok platform, many pregnant women upload their stories during the pregnancy noise or changes in the shape of their nose during pregnancy. Many are wondering what the pregnancy noise is and the cause.

Pregnancy noise is one of the physical changes that occurs during pregnancy. Based on the medical explanation, this condition will disappear when the pregnancy period is over. What is pregnancy noise needs to be known by pregnant women, especially for young couples.

Pregnancy noise is a symptom of pregnancy in the form of changes in the size of the nose to be greater. This condition causes the nose of pregnant women to look enlarged or swollen. Pregnancy noise is a common condition that includes physiological changes during pregnancy.

Pregnancy noise can occur for anyone who is pregnant. However, not all pregnant women will experience this condition. Based on the explanation of health experts, the pregnancy noise does not include medical diagnosis or medical conditions that need to be feared and feared.

Pregnancy noise occurs due to an increase in the volume of blood circulating hormonally during pregnancy. The change or increase in the shape of the nose when pregnant is caused by the hormone ferogene that increases in the pregnant body.

These esterogeneous hormones cause blood vessel widening. This condition can cause blood to flow more into certain areas, one of which is to the nasal tissue. That's why many pregnant women whose nose looks enlarged or swollen.

Swelling during pregnancy is a normal condition for pregnant women. Actually, the increase in blood volume in pregnant women's bodies serves to support the growth of the fetus and the condition of the uterus which is getting bigger during pregnancy.

The occurrence of pregnancy noise usually follows the weight of pregnant women which continues to increase during pregnancy. The pregnant women who experience pregnancy noise admit that the shape of their nose is getting bigger.

Bumil, which has pregnancy noise, can be seen from the shape of its nose which turns to look like a monkey or water guava. The condition of the increase in the nose also changes the shape of the face, such as the face looks swollen and the eyes are slightly spit.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu pregnancy noise dan penyebabnya. Memiliki yang mengalami pregnancy noise tidak perlu khawatir karena kondisi ini tidak berbahaya dan hanya bersifat sementara. Biasa bentuk nasal akan kembali normal sekitar enam minggu pasca belahir.

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