
JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said, e-commerce or digital markets in Indonesia 56 percent sell imported products. While the rest are domestic products.

Unlike China, continued Teten, the country under Xi Jinping's leadership actually applies very strict rules for imported products in its digital market. Where, 90 percent of the market is controlled by domestic.

"The digital economy in China is 90 percent controlled by domestic, foreigners are only 10 percent, because they regulate it is so strict," Teten said in a meeting with Commission VI of the DPR, Tuesday, September 12.

"In Indonesia, if I look at the notes on e-commerce, now 56 percent have been controlled by foreigners, our domestic is only 44 percent," he continued.

According to Teten, so that domestic products can compete with imported products, there needs to be a limit. Where, digital social media platforms should not coincide with e-commerce.

"In China, digital platforms should not be monopolized. Social media regulated, social media, trade, yes trade, separated. TikTok itself in China is separated between its social media and its shops. But in Indonesia it is allowed," he said.

Teten said, if not immediately regulated, the digital economy could pose a threat to the Indonesian domestic economy.

Moreover, he said, on TikTok itself, Chinese imported products are sold at unreasonable prices.

Many MSME players can't compete with Chinese products that are sold at unreasonable prices. We call it not dumping anymore but predatory pricing," he explained.

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