
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has issued a circular regarding the use of the Ministry of Religion's office as a temporary house of worship. Circular No. 11 was published on October 16, 2023 and addressed to all Heads of Regional Offices of the Ministry of Religion of the Province and Heads of Offices of the Ministry of Religion of Regency/City in Indonesia.

"The circular of the Minister of Religion was issued as an effort by the government to guarantee religious communities to carry out worship according to their religion and belief in an orderly, comfortable and safe manner," explained Head of the Center for Religious Harmony (PKUB) of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Religion Wawan Djunaedi, in his statement, Thursday, November 23.

According to Wawan, currently there are still religious people who have not carried out worship according to their religion and belief in an orderly, comfortable and safe manner.

This condition occurs because there are no houses of worship available, receiving resistance from the community, not yet getting facilitation from local governments, or other reasons.

"As part of the government, the Ministry of Religion seeks to facilitate the provision of temporary houses of worship for religious people in these situations and conditions," said Wawan Djunaedi.

Wawan emphasized that the SE Minister of Religion No. 11 of 2023 was published as a guide for the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the province and the Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion district/city in utilizing the office of the Ministry of Religion as a temporary house of worship.

The following are the provisions of the Minister of Religion Decree No. 11 of 2023:

1. Applicants

Consisting above:

a. The committee for the construction of houses of worship that have submitted a request for recommendations for the establishment of houses of worship to the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office; and

B. The leader of the worship group who has submitted a temporary permit application for the use of building buildings is not a house of worship to the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office.

2. Requirements

a. Applicants apply to the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office or the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the province by attaching the following requirements:

1) Photocopy of receipt of a request for recommendation for the establishment of a house of worship for applicants as referred to in the number 1 letter a;

2)copy of receipts for a permit certificate while utilizing buildings is not a house of worship for applicants as referred to in the number 1 letter b;

3) Worship schedules: and

4) List of names of members of worship.

a. Applicants signed a statement to maintain security, comfort, order, and cleanliness before, at the moment, and after using the Ministry of Religion Office as a temporary house of worship as Format 1.

3. Duration of the Use and Facilities of Worship

a. Use of the Ministry of Religion Office as a temporary house of worship for a maximum of 2 (two) hours per worship activity; and

b. Various prayer facilities needed during the implementation of worship are provided independently by the applicant.

4. Applicable Period

The use of the Ministry of Religion's Office as a temporary house of worship is valid for 3 (three) months, and can be extended 1 (one) time.

5. Coordination

Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the province and Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion in coordination with local security regarding the use of the Ministry of Religion's office as a temporary house of worship.

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