
YOGYAKARTA Indonesia will hold a General Election (Pemilu) on February 14, 2024. State officials from the military, police, and civilians are asked to remain neutral during the democratic party. So, what are the rules for neutralizing the Police, TNI, ASN in the 2024 election? Check out the full information below.

1. Police

According to the Police Public Relations page, the neutrality of the Bhayangkara Corps in the general election is a constitutional order as stated in the TAP MPR RI Number VII/MPR/2000 regarding the role of the TNI and Polri.

In Article 10 of TAP MPR RI No. VII/MPR/2000 it is stated that the National Police are neutral in their political life and not involved in practical political activities, and do not use the matter of choosing and being elected.

2. TNI

The neutrality of the TNI in elections is a mandate in the implementation of internal TNI reform, as stipulated in Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army.

In addition, the TNI also issued the TNI Netrality Pocket Book in elections and regional elections that apply within the TNI.

In the book there is a prohibition for soldiers during the process of holding elections, namely:

3. ASN

According to the Bawaslu Tolitoli page, as individuals, ASN or civil servants are also from the community, so they have the same rights and obligations in choosing during elections.

Nevertheless, ASN is part of public services that must provide services to the community fairly. Therefore, the neutral attitude must be owned by ASN to keep service discrimination and inequality within the scope of ASN.

The neutrality of ASN in elections is also regulated in Article 2 of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus. The law states that one of the implementation of policies and management of ASN refers to the principle of neutrality.

Meanwhile, in Government Regulation (PP) Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline, it is stated that civil servants are prohibited from providing support to presidential or vice presidential candidates, candidates for members of the DPR, DPD, DPRD, as well as brokers for regional heads or deputy regional heads.

In addition, ASN is also prohibited from using facilities related to positions, making decisions or actions that benefit or harm candidates and holding activities that lead to partiality to candidates both before and after the campaign period.

This is information about the rules for the neutrality of the TNI, Polri, ASN in the 2024 General Election. Hopefully this article can increase the insight of VOI.ID readers.

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