
JAKARTA - Celebrity Yeyen Lidya admitted that this is the first time he has done facial treatments at the age of 46 years.

"Yes, but I've only been in 46 years, three months ago I was in Botox," said Yeyen Lidya in Senayan, Central Jakarta.

At first Yeyen refused an offer from one of the doctors at the beauty clinic. But in the end he melted from the doctor's offer.

"At first I didn't want to, but the doctor was so smart that I was interested," he continued.

Yeyen is worried that the effects of botox treatment will affect the shape of his muscles that he has formed through exercise.

"At first I didn't want to because if the sport in Botox was a bit useless because of sports, so it's easy for him to get lost, you play muscle, while I'm exercising muscle,"

"When asked that, I said 'ah, what are you doing?', 'No, Yen except you lift the burden like that, that's just it, but if you lift the burden normally, it's okay', 'Doesn't that mean it's okay?', 'Yeah, it's okay', 'oh, it's safe, okay'," said Yeyen Lidya.

Yeyen emphasized that this facial treatment is the first time in a lifetime. Previously he maintained body shape and face through sports.

"If I exercise, I still eat when I eat, I happen to like to eat, so I don't keep eating," he said.

"I'm not the type who ends up eating, so if for example my stomach is full, I don't have to stop, I don't have to stop," he said.

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