
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that Israel's excuse for self-defense for its actions in the Gaza Strip was unacceptable, because that excuse could not be used by invaders like Israel.

This was conveyed by Foreign Minister Retno at a meeting of ministerial delegations from a number of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow.

Meeting for four hours, Foreign Minister Retno said the OIC ministers had once again conveyed their condemnation of what Israel was doing to Gaza.

She said that Israel's reasons for what it is currently doing in Gaza as self-defense are completely unacceptable

"This reason cannot be used by colonialists like Israel," said Foreign Minister Retno in a video statement from London, England, Wednesday, November 22.

"The reason for self-defense cannot be used as a license to kill civilians, it cannot be used as an excuse to kill civilians and attack civilian facilities," continued Foreign Minister Retno.

Foreign Minister Retno said that Russia, through Foreign Minister Lavrov, welcomed the visit of the OIC Ministerial delegation, which was a follow-up to the joint OIC summit with the Arab League in Riyadh, with the aim of stopping atrocities in Gaza and launching humanitarian aid.

She continued, Russia also agreed with the points contained in the Joint OIC-Arab League Summit Resolution.

"We convey the importance of all countries looking clearly at the Gaza issue and taking a fair stance," said Foreign Minister Retno.

"It is very urgent to take immediate action so that violence can be stopped, a ceasefire can be realized and humanitarian aid can be provided smoothly," she explained.

She added that to make this happen, support from many countries is needed, especially the permanent member countries of the UN Security Council, including Russia.

After visiting Russia, the OIC ministerial delegation was in London, England to meet with Foreign Minister David Cameron Wednesday morning local time.

In the afternoon, the delegation will fly to Paris, France, to meet President Emmanuel Macron. In these two countries, the delegation will again discuss the situation in the Gaza Strip.

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