
JAKARTA - A married couple (couple) of narcotics dealers named Indra Budiyanto alias Jilin (43) and Sri Marini (43) were arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police on Jalan Gang 1, RT 06/08, Karang Anyar Village, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta.

The couple's narcotics sales mode is very interesting. They are suspected of mobilizing the masses to distract the security forces so that the narcotics transactions they did could run smoothly.

Kapolsek Sawah Besar AKP Dhanar Dhono Vernandhie mengatakan, kedua tersangka pasutri ini sudah menjadi target operasi (TO) Polsek Sawah Besar dalam perkara narkoba karena disalyani berkaitan dengan kasus tawuran di wilayah tersebut.

"There are frequent brawls, where we look for loopholes, whether from the effects of drug trafficking. The rest we get information, finally managed to secure husband and wife," said AKP Dhanar to reporters, Friday, September 15.

Meanwhile, a number of teenagers in the Karang Anyar Village area, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, have recently also often held brawls. It is strongly suspected that the brawl was to divert narcotics transactions carried out by the two suspects.

"They have been buying and selling drugs for about 2 years. It's been a long time, it's been our target," he said.

After an investigation, members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police finally arrested the two suspects at his house. In addition to confiscating methamphetamine, the police also found a number of replicas of firearms and sharp weapons at the suspect's house.

"We found that in the area where they were ready, yes, they were with sharp weapons and we secured several airsoft guns. Where did they come from, we are still developing this process again," he said. Replica of seized firearms in the form of two airsoft gun revolvers and one bullet box.

"There was an air rifle and two shells that were confiscated. The two suspects were quite slippery (police fraud), because they had only been caught for 2 years," he said.

As a result of his actions, Indra Budiyanto alias Jilin (43) and Sri Marini (43) were charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) UURI No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"The husband and wife are threatened with 20 years in prison," he said.

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