
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Environment Agency (LH) Asep Kuswanto admitted that his party actually wanted the imposition of a ticket for emission tests to continue.

This is in response to the decision of the Polda Metro Jaya to stop ticketing vehicles that have not done and do not pass the emission test in raid activities.

"We from the Department of Environment want it to continue, because after all, the community must be reminded of the importance of emission testing to remind that. One way is with a ticket," said Asep to reporters, Wednesday, September 13.

Asep views that law enforcement for vehicles that do not comply with government policies for emission tests is very necessary.

However, Asep hopes that the decision to abolish the current emission test ticket will still make the public aware to take care of their vehicles so as not to pass the emission quality standards so that they can play a role in controlling Jakarta's air quality.

"The emission test is actually a moral obligation for all Jakarta residents to improve the quality of the environment. So, it is hoped that residents' awareness will be prioritized to be able to try how to overcome this pollution by conducting emission tests even though there are no tickets," he said.

Asep admitted that his party had not communicated with the Metro Police regarding the decision to cancel the manual emission test ticket. However, he emphasized that he submitted the policy to the police.

"If then the police policy is different, yes, the authority is not in DLH, but in the police. So, that's indeed the policy of returning to the Regional Police," he said.

As is known, the emission test ticket will begin on September 1 at several points. Vehicles that do not pass the emission test will be subject to fines ranging from Rp250 thousand to Rp500 thousand.

2-wheeled vehicles are subject to a fine of Rp. 250 thousand. Meanwhile, 4-wheeled vehicles are Rp. 500 thousand. The amount of fines is regulated in accordance with Article 285 Paragraph 1 and Article 276 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ).

After a few days, Polda Metro Jaya changed the enforcement scheme in the emission test. Later, vehicles that do not pass the emission test will not be ticketed.

"In the future, there will not be a ticket that does not pass (emission test). So a persuasive and educational approach," said Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya as well as Kasatgas for Air Pollution Control Kombes Nurcholis when confirmed.

Violators of the emission test will only be asked to repair their vehicles. Thus, it does not contribute to air pollution in Jakarta. The reasons behind the elimination of prosecution are in the form of a ticket to violators of the emission test because it is not effective when applied.

"After being evaluated, it is not effective. The public is advised to serve or maintain vehicles," said Nurcholis.

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