JAYAPURA - Papuan Regional Police (Polda) requested assistance from 10 company-level units (SSK) to secure the 2024 General Election in four provinces.
The Papuan Police currently oversees four provinces, namely Papua, South Papua, Papua Mountains and Central Papua.
Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri said his party had submitted a request for personnel assistance to secure the implementation of the upcoming 2024 General Election.
Simultaneous elections need assistance from the National Police Headquarters and his party has submitted a security preparation plan.
There are several areas that are of concern regarding security disturbances in Central Papua Province, namely Dogiai, Deiyai, Nabire, Puncak and Intan Jaya, Papua Province, Mountains including the Bintang Mountains, Yahukimo, Nduga, Jayawijaya and Yalimo.
For Papua Province, the concern is Mamberamo Raya Regency.
Meanwhile, South Papua is relatively safe, but later troops will still be deployed to strengthen the existing ones.
Inspector General Fakhiri said his party would also invite local governments, KPU and Bawaslu in three new autonomous regions (DOB) to sit down together to discuss no longer using the noken ikat system because during this time it was a problem that caused re-voting voters which had an impact on security disturbances and could even cause casualties.
"The extra handling in the election is during the election of governors and regents in the fourth DOB," said Inspector General Fakhiri.
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