
SOUTH KALIMANTAN - Korem 101/Antasari and the Kodim ranks held the Istisqa prayer to ask for rain due to dry drought in South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan).

Kemarau di Kalsel menjadi memicu tinggi kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) yang berakhirnya terjadinya suci smog.

"We pray for the rain of Allah subhanahu wa ta' ala (SWT) as the purpose of the istisqa prayer," said Commander of Korem (Danrem) 101/Antasari Brigadier General Ari Aryanto in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, September 5, confiscated by Antara.

Danrem said that in addition to extinguishing efforts, as a religious community, of course, they must pray by asking for Allah SWT to be given rain so that the impact of forest and land fires is not prolonged.

"Moreover, the istisqa prayer is a amaliyah that is often done by the Prophet Muhammad Muhamadd salallahu alaihi wasallam (SAW) and his friends to increase their istighfar and ask Allah SWT for forgiveness for all mistakes that are often made," he said.

Danrem said that all efforts had been made by his party together with the National Police, local governments, and community volunteers to deal with forest and land fires.

Di luanyas seperti membentuk Satgas Darat dan Satgas Udara dalam pantapan titik api yang terus terjadi selama musim kemarin saat ini.

Other efforts, he said, included preventive measures and fire spot patrols by urging the public not to clear land by burning and not littering cigarette stalls and other things that could trigger land fires.

"Let's protect the environment from the dangers of land fires so that this nature is not damaged and has a broad impact on the economy and health in the event of a smog," said Ari.

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