
LAMPUNG - The Lampung Regional Police have examined as many as 30 witnesses related to the death of a student at the Kemiling State Police School (SPN), Advent Pratama Telaumbauna. "In the process of investigating this case (the death of SPN students), we have examined 30 people," said Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Helmy Santika at the Lampung Police Headquarters, Antara, Wednesday, August 23. He said the witnesses examined included fellow Advent Pratama at SPN Kemiling who helped the victim from the beginning of the incident to take him to Bhayangkara Hospital. "We have taken all the information related," said the Kapolda. Helmy said that currently the Lampung Police are waiting for the autopsy results from Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, North Sumatra, to match the results of the crime scene (TKP). "We are still waiting for the autopsy results to be matched with the crime scene. The point is that this is so that there is no speculation and bias in handling this incident so that everyone agrees to wait for the autopsy results," he explained. Meanwhile, the Daily Chairman of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Benny Jozua Mamoto who was present at the Lampung Police Headquarters appreciated the police chief's rareness by forming a special team and involving external parties to investigate the case of the death of this SPN student. "We have heard the statements of all witnesses at the crime scene, including with the victim's roommate and equipped with a case title from this incident," he said. Benny said that Kompolnas observed the stages carried out by the Lampung Regional Police in handling the SPN student death case and the substance issue was indeed related to the autopsy results. "Because it is the autopsy results that will answer the cause of death. So, while waiting for the autopsy results to be completed, the examination and deepening process is still ongoing," he said. A SPN Kemiling student named Advent Pratama Telaumbauna who was undergoing NCO education was reported to have died allegedly due to exhaustion after attending a lunch at the SPN Kemiling field, Lampung Police.
Advent fell unconscious while still in line and had received first aid and was then taken to the hospital, but died.

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