
KENDARI - Former Mayor (Walkot) Kendari Sulkarnain Kadir who has become a suspect in the alleged corruption case of licensing PT Midi Utama Indonesia (MUI) has canceled his examination by the Southeast Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) today.

Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi) of the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office, Dody, said that Sulkarnain was absent from the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office on the grounds that he completed his doctoral studies in Bandung, West Java (West Java). "But the legal advisor concerned came to the Southeast Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office and submitted a letter whose point was in the letter saying that the suspect SK could not be present to fulfill the summons from investigators because he was still outside the area," said Dody in Kendari, Friday, August 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office has rescheduled the examination of Sulkarnain on Wednesday, August 23 next week.

The former Mayor of Kendari for the 2017-2022 period, Sulkarnain Kadir, was named a suspect in the alleged corruption case of licensing PT MUI after the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office conducted investigations and examinations of several witnesses.

"The role of the suspect as mayor has asked for the financing of the colorful Kampung painting activities amounting to Rp700 million to Arif Lutfian Nursandi as Corcom Manager of PT MUI," said Assistant for Intelligence at the Southeast Sulawesi Attorney General's Office Ade Hermawan through his official statement.

Ade revealed that Sulkarnain Kadir promised permission to establish an Alfamart outlet in Kendari City to the party requested Rp700 million in return.

In fact, he continued, the painting of the colorful Villages has been financed by the Kendari City Government Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in 2021.

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