PALANGKA RAYA - Former Kapuas Regent Ben Brahim S Bahat and wife of Ary Egahni Ben Bahat were charged with receiving gratuities and money from the Kapuas Regency Government's regional apparatus organization, Central Kalimantan.
The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Zaenurofiq in his inaugural trial at the Palangka Raya Corruption Court which was held online or online said the former Regent of Kapuas and his wife received gratuities.
"This is related to gratuities received from the private sector as well as regional apparatus organizations (OPD) within the Kapuas Regency Government. Up to billions of rupiah is used to pay for survey institutions," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.
Zaenurofiq said in the indictment that the Kapuas District Director of the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) handed over the money to the defendant. The money came from local PDAM cash.
"Essentially we will prove it in court. We also present witnesses totaling approximately 50 people," he explained.
Meanwhile, the defendant's attorney, Regginaldo Sultan, said that although it was hampered because of the internet connection to this, the defendant was principled for justice and humanity, his party had submitted an application until later the two defendants were presented at the next trial at the Palangka Raya Corruption Court.
"Regarding the material of the case in the indictment to the two defendants, we see that the cumulative indictment is related to corruption, we will file an exception or objection, because in the indictment there are 54 charges directed at the two defendants. At the next trial we will submit an exception objection," he said.
The Sultan revealed that the case was not a matter of arrest operation, aka OTT, then his party would try to defend according to the applicable legal regulations.
"We will raise our objections as legal advisers (PH) in the upcoming trial. We will propose an exception," he explained.
On the sidelines of submitting the request, Ben Brahim S Bahat couldn't hold back his tears. The tears burst because he remembered the long abandoned children and families.
Meanwhile, the wife saw her husband shedding tears, seen occasionally trying to calm her husband down because he heard what had been said in court.
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