The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the East Lombok District Attorney, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), has demanded the former Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service, Zaini, in a corruption case in the distribution of agricultural equipment and machinery (alsintan) for the 2018 fiscal year, with a sentence of 7.5 years in prison.
"Demanding that the panel of judges impose a sentence against defendant Zaini with a sentence of seven years and six months in prison," said JPU Team Sigit Nurcahyo accompanied by Yuli Partimi reading out the charges before the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.
In this demand, the prosecutor also requested that the panel of judges impose a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.
The prosecutor set such a claim by declaring Zaini in his capacity as Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service to participate against the law, committing acts of enriching himself or other people or a corporation to cause state financial losses of Rp3.81 billion according to the results of the NTB BPKP audit.
"The aggravating thing is that the defendant does not support the government's efforts to eradicate corruption and as a result of the defendant's actions, the government's program in distributing alsintan is not carried out optimally," he said.
The same claim was also conveyed in the trial of another defendant, Saprudin, a former member of the East Lombok DPRD with the role of the person who ordered Asri Mardianto to form the Alisntan Service Unit (UPJA) as the basis for the issuance of prospective location farmers (CPCL) by Zaini while serving as Head of the East Lombok Agriculture Service.
However, for the defendant Saprudin, the prosecutor demanded that the panel of judges impose a sentence of eight years and six months in prison with a fine of Rp. 400 million, subsidiary to five months in prison.
In the indictment, the prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to charge the defendant to pay compensation for state financial losses worth Rp1.18 billion, subsidiary to five years in prison.
A similar demand with Saprudin was also applied to the defendant Asri Mardianto who acted as the founder of UPJA on the orders of the defendant Saprudin.
The alsintan aid distribution project at the East Lombok Agriculture Service came from the assistance of the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2018 Fiscal Year.
In the procurement, the government distributed aid in the form of alsintan to farmers registered with two UPJAs in the East Lombok region.
The alsintan assistance consisted of five units of 4-wheeled tractors, 60 units of two-wheeled tractors, a 3-inch water pump with a diameter of 121 units, an irrigation water pump of 29 units, and a hand sprayer of 250 units.
However, in the distribution, it was revealed that the CPCL data published by Zaini did not go through a verification mechanism, so that the UPJA made by Asri Mardianto on Saprudin's orders was only in the form of formality.
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