
SEMARANG - Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, and Mrs. Siti Atiqoh accompanied Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Mrs. Wury Ma'ruf Amin at the peak of the Commemoration of the 39th National Children's Day in 2023 in Semarang.

The peak event to commemorate National Children's Day with the theme "Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia" was held at Simpang Lima Field, Semarang City. Apart from Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Mrs. Wury Ma'ruf Amin, Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, and the Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu were also present.

In his statement, Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that this event has attracted the attention of many parties, especially with the ideas and ideas conveyed by the children. They expressed hope to feel safe, comfortable, and have access that can be fulfilled, and this is an important note for decision makers to love and ensure that these hopes can be achieved.

Governor Ganjar also mentioned the "Jogo Tonggo" program or "protecting neighbors" that had been carried out in Central Java during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was later adapted to the "Jogo Konco" program to keep peers loving each other and not bullying. This program aims to form ethical and self-control values from an early age.

"Maintaining his friends from bullying each other, taking care of their friends so that they love each other because we have to start these ethical values, have self control," said Ganjar.

Commemoration of National Children's Day is an important moment to better understand children's rights and contribute to protecting, respecting, and meeting their needs, so that the future of the nation's next generation can be brighter.

National Children's Day was first initiated by the Indonesian Women's Congress (KOWANI) in 1951 and celebrated a year later in 1952. The commemoration date is set every July 23 based on Presidential Decree no. 44/1984, which relates to the date of ratification of the Law on Child Welfare on July 23, 1979.

Apart from Mrs. Hj. Wury Ma'ruf Amin, accompanied the Vice President in this event, Head of the Secretariat of Vice President Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity, Suprayoga Hadi, Deputy for Administration, Sapto Harjono WS, and several Special Staff of the Vice President

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