
JAKARTA - Investigators from the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office examined six witnesses in the investigation into the alleged corruption case in providing infrastructure for the Base Tranceiver Station (BTS) and supporting infrastructure for the 2020-2022 period, two of which were Johnny G Plate's aides, suspects in the BAKTI Kominfo corruption case.

"Tuesday, May 30, Jampidsus examined six witnesses," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.

The six witnesses examined were MFM as Head of Lastmile and Bachaul BAKTI, AW and NN as aide to the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, ES as Senior Manager of Sales of PT Aplikanusa Lintassarta, I as Director of PT JIG Nusantara Persada, and BAA as Director of PT Sarana Global Indonesia

The six witnesses were examined in relation to the investigation of cases of alleged corruption in the provision of 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure and supporting infrastructure for packages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 BAKTI of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in 2020 to 2022 on behalf of suspect AAL, suspect GMS, suspect YS, suspect MA, suspect IH and suspect JGP.

"The witness examination was carried out to strengthen the evidence and complete the filing in the case," said Sumedana.

In a corruption case that cost the state finances Rp8.3 trillion, investigators have named seven suspects, namely Anang Achmad Latif (AAL) as President Director of BAKTI Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Gahole Menak (GMS) as President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Yohan Suryanto (YS) as a Human Development (HUDEV) expert at the University of Indonesia in 2020, Mukti Ali (MA) a suspect from PT Huwaei Technology Investment and Irwan Hermawan (IH) as Commissioner of PT Solitchmedia Synergy.

Then the Minister of Communication and Information is now inactive Johnny G Plate and Windi Purnama, as confidants of the suspect Irwan Hermawan (IH).

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