
JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has again called on all parties to stop violence in Myanmar, because this condition only sacrifices the community and vice versa, no party is the winner.

"People who will become victims because of this condition will not make anyone win. I invite, let us sit together, create a dialogue space to find a common solution," said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at a press conference at the Meruorah Hotel, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, citing a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday, May 8.

For this reason, President Jokowi continued, Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN this year will continue to encourage the implementation of the five points of the agreement or "Five Point Consensus (5PC)".

He further explained that one of the points in the agreement was related to humanitarian assistance.

According to President Jokowi, various efforts have been made by Indonesia and through its chairmanship in ASEAN, it is able to facilitate The ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center).

After being delayed for a long time due to access issues, the President said the joint need assessment was able to be resolved.

"This is the problem with access. Yesterday, the AHA Center accompanied by the ASEAN monitoring team will hand over humanitarian aid, but it is very unfortunate that there was a shootout in the middle of the trip," said President Jokowi.

Previously, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi had also explained that there were two stages of humanitarian assistance for Myanmar.

The first stage related to life saving has been completed because it is related to the assistance for dealing with COVID-19. While the second stage of life sustaining.

"The second stage had experienced obstacles due to a lack of access to the AHA Center to reach people who needed it, especially in areas outside of Myanmar's military control," said Foreign Minister Retno.

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