
SERANG - Satreskrim Polres Serang secured 2 perpetrators of motorbike theft at a Play Station rental place in Kebon Jaya Village, Kendayakan Village. Kapolres Serang AKBP Yudha Satria confirmed the arrest.

"It's true that the Serang Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to secure two motorcycle theft perpetrators, namely ORS (21) Jabung District, East Lampung. He fell down after being hit by hot lead on his right calf and DN (22) preferred to cooperate and not put up a fight," Yudha said in a statement, Thursday, January 19th.

Yudha Satria explained that the arrest of the 2 perpetrators of theft, specialists in parking motorbike theft, was a follow-up to reports from residents.

"The arrest of the perpetrators began with reports from the community in Kendayakan Village, Kragilan District, Serang Regency and the victim reported that he had lost a Honda Beat motorbike with police number: A 5997 EJ in the parking lot where the Play Station rental was located in Kampung Kebon Jaya, Kendayakan Village on Wednesday (18/01)," said Judah.

From the report, Yudha said that the Resmob team led by Ipda Ahmad Rifai was dispatched to conduct an investigation.

"The Serang Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately conducted an investigation and it didn't take long, less than four hours, to be precise at 09.30 WIB, the Resmob team succeeded in arresting the two perpetrators around the Parung gas station, Serang City, then the suspect and the stolen motorbike were immediately secured to the Serang Police Headquarters for examination," said Yudha.

From the results of the investigation, continued the Head of Police, the two perpetrators admitted that they had only arrived in the Regency and City of Serang for 2 days but had already committed 3 motorbike thefts in the Regency of Serang and the City of Serang.

"These two perpetrators only met 2 days erratically in Serang Regency and City. During that time both of them stayed at the prayer room or mosque," explained Yudha.

From this acknowledgment, the Resmob team then developed to obtain other evidence. However, in that development, the ORS suspect tried to escape after putting up a fight.

"The Resmob team, who didn't want their prey to escape, immediately gave chase while firing warning shots. Because they were ignored, the suspect had to take firm and measured action," said Yudha.

In this case, Yudha said that from the results of the arrest, the police managed to secure some evidence.

"From the two perpetrators, 3 units of Honda Beat motorbikes were successfully secured as well as 3 letter T key locks and 2 letter T key handles," explained Yudha.

In order to be accountable for their actions, the two suspects were secured at the Serang Police Station and charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code which carries a penalty of up to 5 years in prison.

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