
BABEL - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has dispatched its members to check the flood conditions in Bangka Regency, which have occurred since Tuesday afternoon, November 1st.

"We have deployed several BPBD personnel to the field, especially in the flood disaster area that occurred yesterday to ensure the area is safe from puddles of water," said the Head of BPBD Bangka Regency, Nursi in Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel), as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 2nd.

In addition to monitoring in areas where flooding occurs, he said, the same monitoring is also carried out in other flood-prone areas, such as in some port areas, Sungailiat and Air Drift fishing communities, and other potential disaster areas.

"During the rainy season, the threat of disasters that often occur are floods and hurricanes," he explained.

Communities in flood-prone areas are reminded to remain aware of overflowing water in the drainages located in occupied settlements, making sure the water continues to flow smoothly.

Floods hit Babylon on Tuesday, November 1st. As a result, the main road in front of the Bangka regent's office was submerged in water with a height of less than 40 centimeters.

Flooding due to the high intensity of rain at that time caused water to soak in the Sungailiat Inpres market area and a number of houses in Kampung Jawa.

"As a result, two residential units and one rented house were submerged in one meter of water," he said.

Nursi said the water receded about two hours after the flood and there were no casualties in the natural disaster.

In dealing with natural disasters, it must be integrated, including the role of the community. This issue is not only the responsibility of the government or BPBD but is a shared responsibility.

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