
MATARAM - Prosecutors' investigators examined witnesses in the alleged corruption case of assets belonging to the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government in the form of a 65-hectare land located in the Gili Trawangan tourist area, at the Pemenang Sector Police Office, North Lombok Regency.

A spokesperson for the NTB High Prosecutor's Office, Efien Saputra, confirmed the witness examination of the asset corruption case at the Pemenang Police.

"Yes, today the witness examination has taken place at the Pemenang Police", said Efien when confirmed in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, October 25.

Regarding the number of witnesses examined, he admitted that he had not received complete information from investigators. Likewise with the examination material. "What are the materials and who will be examined, I have not received any information", he said.

Meanwhile, the police chief of Pemenang Iptu Lalu Eka Arya confirmed that there was a room loan from the prosecutor's office for the examination process.

"Yes, there is indeed an examination today from the prosecutor. The prosecutor borrowed our room", said Eka.

The examination of this witness was previously revealed according to a summons for a witness named Marwi issued by the West Nusa Tenggara High Court with Number: SP-1116/N.2.5/Fd.1/10/2022, dated October 21, 2022.

In a letter signed by the Assistant for Special Crimes at the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Ely Rahmawati asked Marwi to appear before the investigative team Ema Mulyawati on Tuesday, October 25.

The location of Marwi's examination as a written witness is at the Pemenang Sector Police Office, North Lombok Regency.

The prosecutor's office in the letter also explained the basis for summoning MW as a witness, namely by the Investigation Order (Sprindik) of the Head of the NTB Attorney General's Office Number: Print-02/N.2/Fd.1/02/2022, dated February 9, 2022.

Regarding the investigation, Marwi, who was confirmed by telephone, confirmed that he was undergoing a prosecutor's examination at the Pemenang Police Office. "Yes, that's right, I was checked earlier", said Marwi.

Marwi admitted that his investigation was related to the management of assets in the form of land owned by the NTB Provincial Government covering an area of 65 hectares in Gili Trawangan.

Marwi admitted that on the land he only managed 3 acres (300 square meters). Marwi admitted that he had built a shop and a place to live with his family.

"So, I never rent it out to people, because I use it for myself, building a shop and a place to live", he said.

Regarding the basic management of the land, Marwi admitted that he did not have any ownership rights. Instead, only have a tax return (SPPT). "Only SPPT, no certificate", said Marwi.

He also admitted to paying taxes to the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of North Lombok Regency. "I deposited the tax directly to the (Bapenda) office in Tanjung", he said.

Regarding the nominal tax payment, Marwi admitted that he forgot the amount. However, he assured that there was evidence of SPPT on deposits from the tax management.

Marwi also explained that he had occupied the land since he was a child. He admitted that he did not know who the owner of the land he was currently managing was.

"Because the land was like a forest before. No one managed it, so I just occupied it", said Marwi.

The handling of cases originating from community reports led to allegations of illegal levies (extortion) regarding the use of land management rights (HPL) belonging to the NTB Provincial Government which became an agreement in the production contract with PT Gili Trawangan Indah (GTI).

The problem is thought to have arisen since 1998 when PT GTI obtained a production contract agreement from the NTB Provincial Government to manage the land.

During this period, allegations emerged of several parties taking personal advantage. The allegation is related to massive and illegal land leases.

For the latest conditions in an area of ​​65 hectares in the Gili Trawangan area, there are already permanent buildings, most of which are the business fields of the community supporting tourism.

Mapping of the situation on the land has also been carried out by the prosecutor's office. This was obtained when the NTB Prosecutor's Office carried out his duties as state attorney general (JPN) to save and control assets in the tourist area.

Efforts to save these assets were previously expected to boost local revenue with predictions of being able to provide profits of up to trillions of rupiah.

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