
RIAU ISLAND - The Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) of the Riau Islands Province warned fishermen not to dare to brave the warning of high sea waves and strong underwater currents to find fish up to the Malaysian border.

Head of the Riau Islands DKP, Tengku Said Arif Fadilla, said the current weather conditions on the border between the Riau Islands and Malaysia were extreme or not good for catching fish.

"In addition to endangering safety, it can also cause legal problems because it is considered illegal to enter Malaysia", he said in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Friday, October 7.

Arif explained, currently, in the waters, he meant the north wind season. Generally, in that season, the sea waves reach 3-6 meters high, especially in the Natuna waters and the Anambas Islands bordering Malaysia.

He added, the sea waves in the waters of Bintan and Karimun waters - which borders Malaysia - reached 3.5 meters. This condition endangers the safety of traditional fishermen who mostly use boats with a capacity of 3 GT.

"Our fishermen already understand weather conditions through their natural experience. However, sometimes they like to push themselves because of the demands of the family's economy. This sometimes causes problems", he said.

Based on the Antara report, the former Riau Islands Regional Secretary said that traditional fishermen must learn from the experiences of other fishermen who were swept away by the current and hit by the waves. Some fishermen did not manage to save themselves.

In addition, traditional fishermen must also learn from the events experienced by two fishermen from Natuna and one fisherman from Karimun who were arrested by Malaysian Fisheries Patrol officers. One in two fishermen from Natuna is still following the judicial process in Malaysia.

"One fisherman from Karimun was lucky because he was immediately rescued by the Indonesian Consulate General so that he was not legally processed", he said.

Arif said that his party had promoted fish and seaweed cultivation programs in several locations in the Riau Islands. One of the aims of this program is to make fishermen still earn income even though they do not go to sea.

"On the coast, groups of fishermen can work. We want them to get a decent portion when there are investors who want to invest in seaweed cultivation", he said.

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