
JAYAPURA - The Papuan Police have detained the aide to the Regent of Central Mamberamo Ricky Ham Pagawak, a suspect in the alleged corruption case of bribery and gratification of a development project, Bripka SM, in the Papua Police Propam detention center in Jayapura.

Head of the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of the Papua Regional Police, Commissioner Gustav Urbinas in Jayapura, Thursday, said that Bripka SM had surrendered upon his arrival in Jayapura, Monday, July 18.

"It is true that Bripka SM has handed himself over to the Papua Police Propam since Monday when he arrived in Jayapura. He is currently being held in the Papua Police's Propam detention center in Jayapura", said Commissioner Gustav Urbinas in Jayapura, Thursday, July 21.

The detention of Bripka SM is related to the escape of suspect Ricky Ham Pagawak because he is suspected of being involved in a corruption case handled by the KPK.

"The investigation of the person concerned (Bripka SM) is still being carried out by the Papua Police Propam investigators", he added.

Apart from Bripka SM, Papuan Police's Professional and Security Division also detained Aipda AI, Bripka JW, and Bripka EW.

"Three of them are Brimob members, except Bripka EW who is a member of the Central Mamberamo Police", said Gustav.

The KPK has named Ricky Ham Pagawak as a suspect in the alleged bribery and gratification case for several development projects in Central Mamberamo Regency, Papua. Ricky Ham Pagawak allegedly fled via a trail on Wednesday, July 13 to Papua New Guinea.

Director of General Crimes at the Papua Police, Commissioner Faizal Rahmadani said that suspect Ricky Ham Pagawak was monitored entering through the footpath in Skouw after getting out of the car he was traveling in with two backpacks.

"The driver only dropped off the RHP at the Republic of Indonesia (RI)-Papua New Guinea (PNG) border market in Skouw and after that returned to Jayapura", said Faizal.

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