
MATARAM - Police officers in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, found five pockets of methamphetamine ready to be distributed in pieces of papaya which were revealed from the arrests of two men with the initials SA (38) and AS (51) in the Dasan Agung area.

"So the bag of methamphetamine that we found in the papaya fruit was a trick to trick us during the raid", said Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama in Mataram, Antara, Monday, July 4.

The SA and AS raids took place, Monday morning, at around 10:00 WITA. The two of them were arrested while they were busy packing a bag of methamphetamine in a room on the second floor of SA's house.

"When we entered, there was a methamphetamine suction device in front of them. So we suspect that both of them were consuming while packing shabu", he said.

For the evidence of crystal methamphetamine confiscated from the SA and US raids, five pockets were weighing 5.92 grams. The evidence was confiscated in pieces of papaya that were stored near the two perpetrators sitting.

"So we found the bag of methamphetamine hidden in the papaya fruit after we searched it", he said.

Yogi also said that this police activity did not stop at one location, but continued to the second location in a house which was about 200 meters from the arrests of SA and AS.

"This second location is referred to as the origin of the goods", said Yogi.

However, from the results of the raid at the second location, the police did not find any evidence related to drugs. Instead, they only found one of the suspects with the initials MFH (29) and a colleague with the initials AAG (20).

"Although there is no evidence of drugs at the second location, we confiscated six 'mobile phones' along with ATM cards", he said.

Yogi assured that inspection of cell phones from the site of the second raid would reveal the involvement of MFH and AAG.

"Later we will check their digital footprint according to SA's confession from the arrest of the first location", he said.

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