
TANGERANG – The police arrested one perpetrator of motor vehicle fraud who often acts on Facebook social media. The perpetrator named Muksin is known to have deceived 8 women who are mostly young and unmarried.

The Head of the Neglasari Police, Kompol Putra Pertama, explained that the perpetrators were looking for targets through Facebook. Putra said, after getting the target of his crime, the perpetrator immediately sent a message (direct message) to get acquainted.

"Almost all victims were carried out in the same mode, namely by being approached through the Facebook application, followed by intense (routine) communication and then invited to land coffee (to meet)," he added.

The perpetrators are quite clever in carrying out their actions. Putra said he was looking for a single woman whose appearance was considered less attractive.

"So the perpetrator is looking for a single woman, but her appearance is less attractive. After receiving the victim, she sends a message, if the response is continued to WhatsApp," he said.

MA, a 36-year-old woman, is one of Muksin's victims. MA admitted that he was invited to meet him via Facebook by Muksin. Until finally MA and Muksin met at a mall in the Garden City Boulevard Cakung area, East Jakarta, Saturday, June 11.

From there, MA was invited by the perpetrator to meet his parents in Neglasari District, Tangerang. They finally went on a motorbike owned by MA.

The perpetrator, still said Putra, took the victim from Cakung to Neglasari, Tangerang. Arriving at Jalan Sitanala V, Neglasari, the perpetrator stopped and ordered the victim to leave the motorcycle on the side of the road along with the victim's bag.

The perpetrator asked the victim to walk to a house that was recognized as her parents' house. Arriving at the location, the perpetrator asked the victim for permission to return to the motorbike with the excuse of taking the house key he had left behind.

"Waited for almost 30 minutes the perpetrator did not return and after the victim came to the location of his motorbike, it turned out that the perpetrator was no longer there," explained Putra.

Realizing that he was a victim of fraud, MA reported to the Neglasari Police on Tuesday, June 14. After receiving the report, the police immediately investigated. Until finally Muksin was arrested in Kotabumi, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Wednesday, June 22.

"The perpetrator has a facebook account named Agus Hermansyah (Indra Wahyu), and he has been arrested," he said.

Putra explained that the perpetrators had actually carried out similar actions to the 8 women. He will deceive the victim by looking at the object he is carrying.

"If the victim does not bring a motorbike, then the perpetrator pretends to borrow a cellphone and then leaves. If the victim brings a motorbike, he pretends to invite the victim to the house, the perpetrator whose location is chosen at random. Later the motorbike is placed on the side of the road, then he pretends to be said he left his house key on the motorbike." beber Putra.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with fraud as referred to in Article 378 of the Criminal Code, with a penalty of 4 years in prison.

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