JAKARTA – There is still wild racing in Jakarta. The proof is that 42 teenagers were detained by the Kembangan Police for holding an illegal racing action on Baru Taman Aries Street, Kembangan, West Jakarta on Thursday, March 24, early in the morning.
Dozens of teenagers were doing motorbike racing on public roads starting at 02.50 WIB. Receiving a report from the community, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police immediately followed up with a raid. As a result, at least 18 units of racing motorbikes of various types and 5 units of cars were confiscated by the police.
"We received reports that a group of teenagers were about to conduct illegal races, so the police immediately took action", said Head of Kembangan Police, Commissioner Binsar H Sianturi, when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, March 24, afternoon.
Commissioner Binsar explained that the raid was led by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of AKP Reno Apri Dwijayanto.
"As a result, we arrested 42 teenagers consisting of 38 men and 4 women along with 18 motorcycles, 4 of which have been modified for racing motorcycles and 5 cars and a Sony type A6000 camera", said Commissioner Binsar.
Furthermore, Binsar appealed to the community to work together in maintaining the Kamtibmas situation in the Kembangan area, West Jakarta.
"We ask to keep it from happening again. Illegal motor racing is not only disturbing the safety and comfort of the community but also endangering safety", he said.
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