Firli Bahuri Sues Pretrial, National Police Chief Asks Investigators To Be Prepared
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked the investigative team to prepare for a pretrial lawsuit from the inactive KPK chairman Firli Bahuri regarding the determination of the suspect in the alleged extortion case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
In the lawsuit filed by Firli Bahuri, the defendant, namely the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto.
"I think the process has been going on, yesterday it was conveyed that there are pretrial stages that will be taken. Of course, investigators must also prepare as well as possible," Sigit told reporters, Monday, November 27.
That way, all the results of the investigation that have been carried out can be accounted for in front of the panel of judges.
In addition, regarding the assumption that there was an error in determining the suspect, the National Police Chief emphasized that it must be refuted by proving the rules of the investigation.
"So that when the process goes on, our investigation can be accounted for. I think that's normative," said Sigit.
The pretrial lawsuit filed by Firli Bahuri to the South Jakarta District Court was received on Friday, November 24. The pretrial lawsuit is registered with number: 129/Pid.Pra/2023/JKT.SEL.
With this lawsuit, the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court appointed the sole judge, Imelda Herawati, to examine and try the case for the judicial request.
The single judge has determined that the day of the first trial will be held on Monday, December 11, 2023.
Meanwhile, as the respondent, the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto had responded to the pretrial lawsuit. According to him, this is the right of every suspect.
"Yes, it is the rights determined by the suspect and it is legal," said Karyoto.
When asked about the legal team to face Firli's resistance, Karyoto firmly said that the Polda Metro Jaya already had the Legal Sector (Bidkum).
The team will face the trial of the pretrial lawsuit that has been registered by Firli Bahuri's camp.
"Our organization is complete," said Karyoto.