DKI Provincial Government Follows Up On Bareskrim's Request To Revoke Cafe Permits For Ecstasy Findings In South Jakarta

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary (Sekda) Joko Agus Setyono admitted that his party would follow up on the request of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to revoke the KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge business license in South Jakarta because it was the place where ecstasy was found.

"That was just yesterday, yes. We will follow up," said Joko at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, November 21.

Joko admitted that the letter sent by Bareskrim Polri had not yet reached his desk. However, Joko emphasized that the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government will follow up, starting from the revocation of business licenses by the Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) to sealing business premises by Satpol PP.

"Yes, of course. If it is a violation and is not in accordance with the rules of the provincial government, we will follow up according to the provisions," said Joko.

Previously, the Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, would write to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the recommendation to revoke the KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge business license.

This recommendation is a follow-up to the findings of ecstasy drugs to happy five during the raid on the cafe in the Senopati area, South Jakarta on Saturday, November 18.

"That's why we will contact the DKI Regional Government to revoke the permit, because he has violated the rules for selling drugs at his place," said Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa to reporters, Monday, November 20.

According to Mukti, this step was taken because it was suspected that the management of KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge knew about drug trafficking.

The plan is that the recommendation letter will be sent by Bareskrim Polri today. Thus, it will be quickly processed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Later, the recommendation letter will be a consideration for the DKI Provincial Government in making decisions regarding the revocation of business licenses from KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge.

"Today's letter we will write to the DKI Provincial Government to consider whether the permit is revoked because there are 8 pills of narcotics there, 3 pills inside," said Mukti.

The KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge had previously been sealed following the raid.

As for the results of the raid, evidence was found in the form of ecstasy drugs to happy five.

"One (nightclub) only has ecstasy. (Found) 6 ecstasy pills, happy five 2 pills, 28 bottles of alcohol suspected of violating the Customs Law," said Mukti