South Sumatra Police Deploy 400 Personnel To Close Illegal Oil Distribution Sites In Bayung In Muba

The South Sumatra Police have deployed 400 personnel to close illegal oil distillation sites in Bayung Licir District, Musi Banyuasin Regency (Muba), South Sumatra.The closure of the illegal oil distillation site was led directly by the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Rachmad Wibowo.Before visiting the location, the South Sumatra Police Chief first monitored by air by helicopter. After reviewing the location, Rachmad Wibowo said, the closure was carried out using two units of heavy equipment."A total of 33 illegal oil distillation sites have been flattened with land for one location, there are still several more points that will be dismantled and flattened to the ground," he said in Palembang, Antara, Tuesday, October 21.This activity is a follow-up to the previous Polri activities, which the South Sumatra Police through the Muba Police around two months earlier made an appeal for illegal distillation activities to be closed or dismantled independently.However, there are still some who do not want to close or dismantle independently, so today the South Sumatra Police together with related parties joined in closing and dismantling illegal oil refining sites."Currently, we have closed and dismantled 33 illegal oil refining sites in Berdikari Hamlet, Sukajaya Village, which we have closed and dismantled, this activity will continue, considering that illegal refinery activities in addition to damaging the environment also cause losses to the state, where the mode of illegal distillation oil is mixed with subsidy oil with a comparison of 1 : 1 so that this can cause a rare impact of subsidized fuel oil because subsidized oil should be for underprivileged residents to switch to industrial oil," he said.He appealed to residents who are still carrying out illegal or illegal oil refinery distillation activities to be immediately closed or dismantled, because the closure or demolition activities will continue until completion.
At the location, hundreds of joint personnel carried out joint activities to secure the demolition of illegal or illegal oil refining sites while at the location where illegal distillation itself, the occupants were no longer there, but goods and equipment for illegal oil distillation activities were still at the location, including several refined oil drums.