Meta Plans To Add Two New Emu Features To Facebook And Instagram

JAKARTA CEOMetaMark Zuckerberg announced two new capabilities from Emu, an artificial intelligence-based image-making tool (AI), on Thursday, November 16 on Facebook.

Zuckerberg said that Emu has two new features, namely Emu Video and Emu Edit. These two capabilities are planned to be integrated into Facebook and Instagram so that users can be more creative in making photos and videos.

Emu Video, as its nickname, is designed to create AI-based videos. With this feature, users can produce videos from inputted text or reference images. In fact, text and images can be communicated in this feature.

According to Zuckerberg, the results of this video will be of high quality. However, The Verge understands that this video is far from realistic. In fact, this video is called a rough animation like last year's Make-A-VideoMeta system.

Meanwhile, Emu Edit is a feature created to change images with the help of AI. Just like Emu Video, users only need to input text to get the image they want.

In the video demonstration that Zuckerberg shared, this feature can delete or replace the desired object more easily. This feature is actually quite marketed because Google, Adobe, and Canva have similar features.

One thing that distinguishes this feature is the ability to change images without using a editing tool. Users only need to suggest that something and AI will work quickly.

Zuckerberg did not specify when these two Emu capabilities would come and whether these two features would be added directly to the Facebook and Instagram apps. For now, users only need to wait for further announcements from Meta.