Today, Firli Is Scheduled To Lead The Sorong OTT Konpers Together With His Self-examination At Polda Metro

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri is planned to lead a press conference on the results of a hand arrest operation (OTT) in Sorong Regency, Papua.

In fact, he was summoned by Polda Metro Jaya regarding the alleged extortion by the KPK leadership against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo today, Tuesday, November 14.

"Leaders (present, ed) will be appointed by the chairman but we'll just have to wait for the changes," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, November 14.

As for whether Firli was present at the call, Ali did not respond. He only said that the press conference for determining the suspect would be held at 09.00 WIB.

As previously reported, Firli was again summoned because he was absent on November 7 yesterday. He chose to go to Aceh to carry out the activities of the anti-corruption commission and a series of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia).

"(The examination) is scheduled for an additional examination or request for information on Tuesday, November 14, 2023," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, to reporters, Monday, October 13.

He is scheduled to carry out an examination at 10.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto is waiting for Firli's guts to fulfill the rescheduled summons.

"Basic call tomorrow, we'll see if it comes tomorrow or not," said Karyoto on a separate occasion.

Although it was not clear about the investigation at the Metro Police, Firli actually stated that he was ready to fulfill the summons of the KPK Supervisory Board regarding his meeting with Syahrul Yasin Limpo on Tuesday, November 14. However, he should have been summoned on Monday, November 13.

Regarding this step, the KPK Council stated that they would not conduct an examination. They will only check on Firli the following week because he was not present according to the schedule given.

Firli's basis for fulfilling the summons was claimed to be due to the invitation from the KPK Council. However, it turned out that the invitation had been corrected and sent last Friday because on Tuesday, November 14 a working meeting would be held.

"(Notification, red) already. Already (sent, red) in an email from last Friday," Albertina told reporters at the ACLC KPK Building, Rasuna Said, Jakarta.