Three TNI Personnel Killing Imam Masykur Bowed In Front Of Military Court Judge II-08

JAKARTA Three TNI Army personnel, Praka RM, Praka HS and Praka J, the accused of premeditated murder Imam Masykur underwent a trial at the Military Court II-08, Cakung, East Jakarta, Monday, October 30.

The three individuals from different units, namely Paspampres, the Directorate of Topography of the Indonesian Army, and members of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command, appeared to be bowing before the presiding judge during the trial.

Not only looked down, the defendants also seemed to shake their heads with regret for their actions. They shook their heads when the Military Oditurat was reading the indictment in the first trial.

Previously, the Jakarta Military Court II-08 had received a case file for the murder of Imam Masykur, which was previously carried out by three members of the TNI, from the Military Oditurat (Odmil) II-07 Jakarta, Monday, October 23.

Jukim Juru Bicara Pengadilan Militer II-08 Jakarta Major Laut Kum Awan Kurnia mengatakan, Layanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) akan menyerahkan berkas ke petiteraan untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan syarat formal dan materilnya.

"After being deemed complete, the file will be registered and the Chief Military Court will determine the Panel of Judges," said Awan.

Awan said that after receiving the file, the Panel of Judges would study the case file. Then the presiding judge will determine the day of the trial.

"Study the time files for three days. After that, the presiding judge will determine the day of the trial. The presiding judge will consider, basically it can't be more than seven days. Next week, God willing, the trial can be held," he concluded.

The three individuals are suspected of having a combination article, namely the primary 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with 55 KUHP paragraphs 1 to 1 concerning premeditated murder with a maximum threat of the death penalty. Then the subsidiary of Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code concerning murder, is more subsidiary to Article 351 paragraph of the Criminal Code concerning persecution, Article 328 concerning kidnapping.