Terbitkan SE Penanggulangan Dampak Pollusi, Kemenkes Minta Pemda Melakukan Ini
JAKARTA - Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Maxi Rein Rondonuwu issued Circular Letter (SE) Number HK.02.02/C/3628/2023 concerning Air Pollution Impact Management for Health.
In the SE, Maxi encouraged local governments (Pemda) to involve the active role of the community in efforts to overcome respiratory disorders and illnesses.
"Given that air pollution is an issue that is transboundary, which means not knowing the time limit, location, and generation so that handling air pollution requires coordination between stakeholders, both the central government, local governments, the private sector, including the community," wrote Maxi in SE, quoted on Wednesday, August 30.
The instructions to local governments include educating the public through campaigns in various media related to the impact of air pollution on Health in the form of acute (short-term) to chronic (long-term) diseases.
Acute diseases in question include mukosa irritation, respiratory tract irritation, increasing ARI, increasing ASMA and COPD attacks, increasing heart attacks, the risk of toxic gas poisoning. While chronic diseases include bronkus hyperactivity, allergic reactions, asthma reactions, PPOK risk, heart disease and blood vessels risk, cancer risk, stunting risk.
Second, encouraging increased public awareness in the event that there is an early warning based on the results of real-time monitoring of air quality sourced officially from the authorities.
Third, encourage local governments to implement Air Quality Improvement Strategies and Health Impact Management, starting from implementing the 6M + 1S health protocol, creating an early warning system for the community during high air pollution.
"Also increasing surveillance, identification, and early intervention efforts as well as health risk assessment, as well as handling comprehensive cases in health care facilities (fasyankes)," said Maxi.
Fourth, prepare first-degree and advanced health facilities and cooperate with other relevant stakeholders in handling public health complaints/disruptions due to air pollution.
Fifth, encourage increased community participation in tackling health impacts caused by air pollution through the implementation of the 6M + 1S Health Protocol, especially for vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people with comorbidities (comorbidities), and the elderly.
Sixth, ensuring the availability of masks in each region in protecting air pollution, especially masks that can filter air pollution, especially PM2.5.
Seventh, carry out air quality monitoring as well as prevention and control of the increase in cases found and report the results to the Director General of P2P of the Ministry of Health.