Understanding Why Ganjar Pranowo's Support From Gen Z Rises Again
JAKARTA - Communication observer, Nining Subekti assesses that there has been an increase in support for Ganjar Pranowo from the Gen Z group based on the results of the Kompas and SMRC surveys in August 2023 as well as from various sources of sigi institutions.
Nining said the increase could not be separated from Ganjar's method of optimizing social media as a means of communication.
"Based on the results of various survey sources, it turns out that it indicates an increase in support for Ganjar Pranowo from the Gen Z group," Nining said in a written statement, Sunday, August 27.
Nining said earlier that Ganjar's popularity and electability had decreased due to the issue of his rejection of the U-20 World Cup. At that moment, Gen Z's support decreased drastically.
"This actually only shows their disapproval of the decisions taken by Ganjar at that time and is not permanent," he said.
Nining explained that Gen Z is not a generation that likes to show their disapproval by conducting demonstrations. Gen Z continued to tend to be more comfortable showing it through social media.
What we have to remember about the characteristics of Gen Z, they are a unique generation. All decisions they make tend to be based on the DCP (Digital Collaborative Platform) so that the withdrawal of support for Ganjar tends to be more based on the information circulating on social media," he said.
Furthermore, Nining said Gen Z is a generation of absent prevalence', where the time to look at the screen is much longer than face-to-face communication.
They trust more information circulating through screens than by discussing directly with other people. In addition, they prioritize sustainability values for the economy, environment and welfare," said Nining.
Nining emphasized that Gen Z is a very creative generation so that it can create new ideas.
"In this case, Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in 2024 is expected to have programs that make it easier for Gen Z to express their creativity based on technological advances and convenience," said Nining.
Nining added that judging from the phenomenon of Gen Z's voice returning to Ganjar Pranowo, it can be seen from the efforts made through his Instagram account.
Ganjar, he said, began to broadcast his personal life, such as doing karaoke with his wife, there was a complaint from his son about Ganjar's role as a father but on the one hand as well as state officials.
Then through the YouTube platform, the way Ganjar communicates with students also uses relaxed and joking language.
Because to get the attention of Gen Z, said Nining, we cannot use rigid and formal message delivery methods. Meanwhile, through his Tiktok account, Ganjar Pranowo began to show the importance of respecting differences, be it differences of belief, ethnicity, and ideology.
"That's the issue that Gen Z wants to hear because they prioritize peace and harmony between groups," he said.
More than that, according to data from the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2021, there are around 68.6 million Gen Z in Indonesia, which is equal to 25% of the total population of Indonesia and more than 80% of Gen Z are Digital Platform users.