Not Yet Kapok, Recidivist In Malang Arrested Again For Distributing Methamphetamine

Malang Resort Police (Polres) arrested a drug case recidivist with the initials DS aged 26 who was found to be a methamphetamine dealer in the Malang Regency, East Java.

Head of Public Relations of Malang Police, Iptu Ahmad Taufik, said that the suspect DS was a recidivist in a similar case, namely being involved in the circulation of marijuana and was arrested by the Malang City Police Narcotics Unit in 2018.

"Previously, suspect DS was sentenced to four years in prison and released in November 2022," said Taufik.

Taufik explained that the suspect, who is a resident of Penanggan Village, Klojen District, Malang City, was arrested by Malang Police personnel on Friday night in the Jalan Panglima Sudirman area, Karangploso District, Malang Regency.

According to him, from the suspect's hands, officers secured two packages of methamphetamine with a total weight of 1.07 grams. In addition, a number of other evidences in the form of cell phones and two-wheeled vehicles belonging to the suspect were also secured.

He added that the arrest of the suspect DS began with information from the public regarding the disturbing circulation of narcotics. By pocketing this information, the Malang Police conducted an investigation and arrested the suspect.

"The suspect is currently still undergoing intensive examination," he said.

He emphasized that the Malang Police are committed to taking firm action against narcotics trafficking perpetrators, especially in Malang Regency. The community is expected to also play an active role and provide information to the police.

"We are committed to continuing to prevent and tackle drug trafficking in Malang Regency. We really need the participation of the community in supporting these efforts," he said.

Now, DS must return to his back behind bars and be charged with Article 112 or Article 114 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a minimum sentence of four years and a maximum of 20 years in prison.