Gibran Rakabuming, Dynamics Of Potential Vice Presidential Candidates In The Changing Of Age Limits

There are always interesting things that draw attention to the Indonesian political scene. One of the issues currently being discussed is the possibility of Gibran Rakabuming, son of President Joko Widodo, becoming the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) who will accompany Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming elections. Everything seems to depend on the steps of the Constitutional Court (MK) in responding to a lawsuit regarding the age limit for vice presidential candidates. However, the main question is: Will the Constitutional Court respond by changing or abolishing the age rules for presidential and vice presidential candidates?

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), the party where Gibran Rakabuming belongs, has emphasized that people should not get involved in endless speculation. They seemed to give a hint that this change could be getting closer. However, the claim that Gibran was not invited to the candidate meeting in Central Java due to the issue of vice president by Prabowo Subianto has also received confirmation from PDIP. This is getting more interesting and raises questions: How far is Gibran's potential as vice presidential candidate?

It is undeniable that the issue of Gibran Rakabuming as the vice presidential candidate who will accompany Prabowo Subianto is very prominent. Gibran might be an alternative option if there is a deadlock in the election of Prabowo's running mate. The fact that Prabowo is supported by four major parties—Gerindra, PKB, Golkar, and PAN—seemed to be an agreement to carry Prabowo as a presidential candidate. However, in the case of vice presidential candidates, each coalition party submitted its own candidate. PKB positioned its chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, as a potential candidate. On the other hand, Golkar submitted two names, namely Airlangga Hartarto and Ridwan Kamil. Meanwhile, PAN, it is said, proposed the name Erick Thohir.

However, more than just highlighting prominent figures, there is also a deeper issue related to the age rule for prospective leaders. In this debate, the role of the Court is very important, whether they will grant the lawsuit to change or abolish the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

It should be noted that in the election law, Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 stipulates that presidential and vice presidential candidates must be at least 40 years old. However, a number of Indonesian citizens have filed a judicial review of the article. This petition was registered with the Constitutional Court in March and May 2023. In this way, attention is focused on Gibran as one of the figures involved in this lawsuit.

For many, having Gibran Rakabuming as running mate has the potential to capitalize on the militant and widespread support of President Jokowi's supporters. However, keep in mind that Gibran Rakabuming, who currently serves as Mayor of Solo and was born in October 1987, has not met the requirements set by the election law to run as a presidential or vice presidential candidate.

Despite the controversy, the proposal to change the age limit for vice presidential candidates submitted to the Constitutional Court has the potential to change the political landscape significantly. The question is, will this be a turning point in the dynamics of the political struggle, or will it just be wishful thinking?

However, this issue goes beyond mere policy. Bawaslu, as the election supervisor, also spoke up, showing concern about efforts to change the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. This brings us to a deeper question: What is the real reason behind this change and its impact? Is it just about election preparation or does it have wider ramifications?

More than that, this issue indicates a change in the political landscape. Gibran's profile as a regional head cannot be ignored. It is important to remember his leadership track record and influential meetings with political figures.

In addition, Puan Maharani, Chair of the PDIP, provided an opportunity for the possibility of Gibran becoming a vice presidential candidate who will accompany Ganjar Pranowo. It brings a new dimension to the debate, asking questions about the power politics behind the scenes.

However, the final decision remains in the hands of political parties which have the authority to determine candidate pairs. Even though it is still in its early stages, Gibran Rakabuming's potential to become a vice presidential candidate will become even more evident if the Constitutional Court grants a lawsuit for judicial review regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates as well as broad support. At least the debate among the political elite. Fundamental questions arise: Will the assumptions that have existed so far prove true? Only time that can answer. Remember, the political scene always presents surprises.