Proclamation Of Indonesian Independence Cancels At The IKADA Field

JAKARTA - The seconds of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence are tense events. The old and young classes unite to formulate a statement of independence. The meeting for the preparation of the text of the Proclamation even lasted until the early hours of the morning. The text of the proclamation was finally completed.

All freedom fighters provide information that the sacred moment of the Proclamation will take place at Ikada Square. In fact, the intention was canceled. The proclamation of Indonesian independence actually took place in Bung Karno's yard. What is the reason?

The debate over when Indonesia's independence had become a polemic. The old and young have their respective opinions. The old group hopes that independence will be carried out waiting for the blessing of the Japanese colonialists. While the young group hopes that Indonesia's independence will take place as soon as possible.

At first there was no common ground. However, the young group was impatient. They perpetuated the study of kidnapping the leaders of the old group, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta on August 16, 1945. The kidnapping made the old and young people argue in Rengasdengklok.

The study brought results. The two groups agreed to liberate Indonesia as soon as possible. The preparation of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesia was perpetuated. The original plan for the preparation of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesia was held at the Des Indes Hotel (now it has been evicted and replaced with a shop Dutamen).

This wish was not done. The reason is that the hotel does not agree with the agenda of the meeting at night. The freedom fighters did not lose their minds. The house of high-ranking Japanese Admiral Maeda, who is pro-trule for the Bumiputra people, was also chosen.

The preparation of the text of the proclamation took place toughly. The issue of the election of diction is the longest thing. Everything was only finished when all the attendees were 'old and young' who stated that they agreed with the text of the Proclamation which was made in the early hours of the morning, August 17, 1945.

I don't think anyone agrees. After that, they will talk and say that if all of you agree, how good it is for all of us who are here to sign the script for the Proclamation of Free Indonesia as a historic document. This is important for our children and grandchildren. They must know who participates in proclaiming Indonesia's independence. Let's take an example to the text of the Proclamation of Independence of the United States first.

Everything that decided to sign their decision together. A moment of silence and no discussion was heard about what I proposed. Not long after that Soekarni (young group figures) came forward, stating in a loud voice: not all of us who are here must challenge the script. It is enough for two people to sign on behalf of the Indonesian people, namely Bung Karno and Bung Hatta," explained Bung Hatta in the book Mohammad Hatta: Memoir (1979).

The summary of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesia was greeted with joy. Independence fighters have thought of a place that deserves to perpetuate the Proclamation. The choice fell to the Djakarta Athletics Association Field: IKADA (now: Monas Area).

The IKADA field is considered capable of accommodating the crowds of Indonesian people who want to witness the Proclamation closely. The determination of the IKADA field was even agreed by the press and freedom fighters, Burhanuddin Mohammad (BM) Diah and the leader of the Pioneer Front, Sudiro.

The two figures had time to travel with their respective masses to the IKADA Square. Far from roasting than fire. There was no event there. Instead of the crowd, the existing views were Japanese soldiers complete with their weapons. The soldier while preventing a historic event.

In fact, the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence event which was originally planned at the IKADA Square was canceled. Security is the main factor in cancellation. Independence fighters have witnessed for themselves that information on the Proclamation of Independence has reached the Japanese side. The proclamation of independence was then announced suddenly to several fighters to be carried out on Jalan Penggangsa Timur only 56.

A place that incidentally courtyarded Bung Karno's house. There, the pledge of independence of Indonesia was pronounced plenaryly on August 17, 1945. Sudiro had visited Bung Karno's house. Others did not. As a result, the proclamation took place without the presence of Soekarni, Chairul Saleh, Soebarjo, and BM Diah. Even though those who followed from the beginning of preparations to the challenger of the Indonesian Proclamation.

At 9.30 am on August 17, 1945, I went to Ikada Square with several friends, using a small truck (pick up) that I used last night. When I approached the place, I saw the field was completely empty. In the bushes near the spectator building and where the footballers stood scattered by Japanese soldiers.

I was very angry in the early hours of the morning, before 10, I only saw Japanese soldiers with hoarse clothes, wearing a combat hat attached to a white cloth behind their backs holding tight guard. Apparently, between 5.00 am (Japanese hours) and 10.00 am there was an action to cancel the meeting. Apparently Bung Karno had been notified. He quickly transferred the announcement of the Proclamation to Pegangsaan Timur 56," explained BM Diah in the book Catatan BM Diah (2018).