Perpetrators Of 2 Hectares Of Land Burning In Tanjabbar Arrested By Police

JAMBI - A member of the Tanjungjabung Barat (Tanjabbar) Police, Jambi, arrested a group of perpetrators of forest and land fires to open two hectares of land in Sungai Baung Village, Pengabuan District.

"After several times opening plantation land by burning the Janggut group known as the perpetrator of the burning of the land, the police arrested the perpetrator and the main perpetrator has now been named a suspect in the two-hectare land burning case," said Tanjabbar Police Chief AKBP Padli, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 9.

The suspect's actions, known as Pak Jangggut's name, were repeatedly carried out in Sei Bung Village. The police initially received information about the burning of land in the village around the 6th district of PT WKS.

The total land burned by Mr. Janggut and his group was about eight hectares, where on Saturday, August 5, two hectares of land were found to have been burned.

Pak Janggut's group also had time to detain or lay off a joint team that would build water reservoirs for extinguishing the fire. The heavy equipment team that went to the location was blocked by the group.

The blackout was finally carried out using the Jambi BPBD's water bombing helicopter and the Karhutla Task Force team which was also assisted by a subsidiary of Sinar Mas Group, namely PT WKS.

"This is because the blackout access route by land is always blocked by the Janggut group and even during the arrest, the Joint Team met resistance by the Pak Janggut group," said the Tanjabbar Police Chief.