How To Choose Pre-Employment Training So As Not To Get The Wrong Steps

YOGYAKARTA - In order to carry out double missions as a program to improve the competence of the workforce and social assistance, from 2020 to 2022 the government has made a program called pre-employment.

This year (2023), the Pre-Employment Card Program only focuses on improving work competence. So, how to choose correct pre-employment training?

This program really helps reduce the training budget borne by workers and the company. With the Pre-Employment Card program, participants get the opportunity to do skills, upskilling, and reskilling.

In the Pre-Employment program in 2023, training is tried with a training duration limit of 6 hours to 15 hours. Not only that, there is offline and online training. Online training is first tried by watching videos, at this time it is changed to a webinar.

The Pre-Employment Program shares opportunities for participants to be able to compete in the industrial sector with the provisions they have from the training. After the training ends, participants will get a certificate that they want to prove that they control something in the field. To be able to compete in the industrial sector, you must know how the method of sorting out the right Pre-Employment training. There is also a method of sorting out pre-Employment training, namely as follows:

Determine The Fields Or Skills You Want To Study

The method of sorting out the initial Pre-Employment training is to ensure the skills or fields that will be studied. Recognizing the fields or skills that are of interest are the basic capital to ensure the right abilities and jobs. By sorting out the training that is in accordance with the field of interest, the understanding and skills obtained when the training will be used as provision for competing in the industry.

Digital Learning Platform Research

Saat sebelum membeli pelatihan, lakukan riset platform digital terlebih dahulu. Perihal ini tercoba untuk mengidentifikasi apakah platform belajar digital tersebut nantinya bakal memenuhi kebutuhan serta cocok dengan bidang yang dimintik atau tidak. Tidak hanya itu, riset dilakukan untuk melihat mentor yang lebih berpengalaman. Jika platform belajar telah cocok dengan kebutuhan, sehingga Anda akan lebih semangat untuk belajar di bidang yang mau sama platform tersebut.

Check Reviews and Ratings from Other Users

Similar to a kind of form plate study, seeing other discussion and user ratings is a platform study. Discussions can be a reference for satisfaction or dissatisfaction of participants in carrying out training.

Follow The Training Until It's Over

All participants must explore the training until it ends in order to obtain knowledge and expertise in the field of interest. The next training will not be taken if you have not completed the training first. If you do not complete the training, until it is intensive, it will not be given.

Give A Review And Rating

After completing the class, participants are also required to share reviews and ratings. Discussion and ratings will be feedback for training partners. After that, ratings and discussions can also be a reflection for other participants on courses. The mirror can be in the form of ease of material, simplicity of mentoring in material accompaniment, to the description of participants.

Have Skills And Intensive Money

The Pre-Employment Card Program in 2023 has a total benefit of IDR 4.200.000 with a training fee boost of IDR 3.500.000 per participant. This benefit is greater than in previous years. The training provided by the Pre-Employment Card program will share new knowledge, expertise, and soft skills for all participants. This will certainly urge productivity, work competitiveness, as well as more entrepreneurship desire for Pre-Employment Card recipients.

After exploring training and sharing discussions and ratings, participants will receive intensive payments to replace transportation and the internet amounting to Rp. 600.000. Not only that, but there is also intensively filling out the survey for each training of Rp. 100.000,-

So after knowing how to choose pre-employment training, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!