Constitutional Court Decision Open Election System Appreciated: Eliminate Strong Control Of Political Parties

Political observer from the University of Indonesia (UI), Cecep Hidayat, appreciates the Constitutional Court (MK) for deciding that the 2024 Election system remains open proportional which eliminates the full power or strong control of political parties in determining legislative candidates (caleg).

"Because with a closed system, we only choose parties and parties that will later elect Legislative Candidates. With an open system, the strong control of political parties to choose legislative candidates will be lost," Cecep told, Thursday, June 15.

He sees that if the proportional is closed, it will eliminate the competition of legislative candidates in trying to be elected by the people. Many have resigned or are not maximal to the people because it is no longer the people who are sidelined by the party.

Then, the dominance of political parties will be even more extraordinary, people will do anything to get close to the leadership of political parties. Money politics can be more rampant, not to the people but to the leadership of political parties.

Even in terms of political parties, Cecep sees that the closed system may be profitable because the cadres representing the parliament are superior cadres.

"Compared to legislative candidates who rely on popularity and are not necessarily the best cadres of the party itself," said Cecep.

In terms of election organizers, Cecep admitted, with the open electoral system suspected of paying more because of the large ballot paper by displaying the names of the candidates.

"In the 2019 election, the election committee exhausted needs to be corrected because of the large and many voting papers," added Cecep.

Furthermore, Cecep hopes that the proportional electoral system will open up in the future for legislative candidates not only pursuing popularity but also adding good quality and especially providing good political education for the community.

Previously, the Constitutional Court (MK) decided that the electoral system in the plenary session remained proportional. The verdict hearing was read out directly by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.

The decision on six people filed a judicial review lawsuit of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections related to an open to closed proportional system at the Constitutional Court (MK) with case registration number 114/PUU-XX/2022 on November 14, 2022.

The six people, namely Demas Brian Wicaksono (Pemohon I), Yuwono Pintadi (Pemohon II), Fahrurrozi (Pemohon III), Ibnu Rachman Jaya (Permohon IV), Riyanto (Pemohon V), and Nono Marijono (Pemohon VI).