The Provincial Government Of Kaltara Bangun Jalan Di Gunung Seriang Sepanjang 3,5 Kilometer

TARAKAN - The North Kalimantan Provincial Government built a road from Mount Seriang - Long Peso, Bulungan Regency for 3.525 kilometers.

"Similar activities that have been carried out in 2022 will also continue this year. In the near future, the construction of the Jalan Gunung Seriang Long Peso," said Head of the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPR-Perkim) Kaltara Helmy in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.

This work, has a target of 6.3 kilometers with an implementation period of 240 calendar days and a maintenance period of 180 days.

In general, this reconstruction affects elements on the road.

For example, vertical elements of incline, bends, repair of damage, asphalting, foundation layer, drainage and others. The budget this year is around Rp37 billion," said Helmy.

The work is carried out in 2022. With a length of handling a length of 3.525 kilometers, the width of the violence (asphalt) is 6 meters.

Along with the completion of the road construction work in the Mount Seriang Long Peso area, a number of residents said they were happy and grateful to the Governor of Kaltara Zainal Arifin Paliwang who paid attention to their longing for good road access so far.

This road access has long been missed by the public, and only during Zainal-Yansen's leadership as Governor and Deputy Governor of Kaltara can be realized.

Local resident, Badri (40) thanked the Governor and Deputy Governor for improving the access road to Mount Seriang Long Peso.

According to him, people's activities and economy are running well after a long time their main road was badly damaged.

"Our road is good and we have no more trouble. Before it was repaired, the condition of the road had potholes and it became very slippery when it rained. About half an hour, when we went to Tanjung, but since it was repaired the distance was only a dozen minutes," said Badri.